OSSLT Preparation

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for reading and writing across all subjects up until the end of the Grade 9 year. The test is administered in Grade 10, and successful completion of the test is one of the requirements to graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). This test requires that students understand parts of speech, grammatical structures, and have developed inferencing and reasoning skills from written text. Their writing must demonstrate solid understanding of text structures and how to appropriately organize their thoughts and communicate them in a variety of sentence structures. Students entering grade 9 or 10 and who want support preparing for their high school literacy test can connect with Irini for a finite number of sessions to support their readiness for this test.

Important Information

A referral by a physician is not required to access speech and language services, although some third party insurance companies do require this. Please inquire about your plan’s policy to determine if you will require a medical referral for coverage.

Payment for services is accepted in the form of cash, cheque or email money transfer following each session. A receipt for services will always be provided which can then be submitted for coverage by your insurance company.

Cancellation Policy

We require a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment. This allows the opportunity to offer the cancelled time slot to others waiting for service. No shows will be billed for 100% of the cost of the appointment.

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