Health & Safety Procedures:

In order to provide in-person therapy sessions, a number of precautions must take place as outlined by Public Health and the College of Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists of Ontario (CASLPO). They are as follows:

  1. All clients and relevant family members will be asked to complete a set of health screening questions as outlined by the Ontario Ministry of Health. Your therapist will review these questions before each appointment. If a screen is positive, the appointment will be cancelled and the relevant person will be directed to contact an appropriate medical professional and/or Public Health.

  2. While clients who are unable to wear a mask are not required to, parents or caregivers attending the session will be asked to wear a mask.

  3. Where possible, a limit to one parent or caregiver attending the session is preferred. Siblings who must attend sessions are asked to refrain from touching or playing with the therapist’s materials and supplies.

  4. Your therapist may wear a face shield and/or mask. Both of these meet standards set out by the College and the province’s Ministry of Health.

  5. Session participant(s) will be asked to wash and/or sanitize their hands prior to the start of the session.

  6. Your therapist will sanitize her hands prior to the start of the session. Where physical contact is required (e.g., PROMPT therapy), your therapist will don disposable gloves and hand sanitize after their removal.

  7. All materials will be disinfected prior to use with the client, and will be disinfected after use.

  8. If at anytime you feel uneasy or uncomfortable with in-person therapy, please speak to your therapist to discuss alternatives.